Monday, August 3, 2009

This and That

We are back at LEP this week. I swear when I am working and we are in school I get so much more accomplished than when we have total free time. I know Hal loves being at school. He has so many friends at LEP. We both adore the program they have going!
Last week we did keep busy. On Monday, we went to Foley with my dear friend and Hal's future mother-in-law, Amanda! Amanda and I were on the quest for great deals and dresses for our reunion. Amanda found a dress; I did not. I did find Hal some GAP kids t-shirts. Since Hal is going to be a big Bunny next year at LEP I have to get him into more play clothes and less smocked attire. I think I would die if a smocked outfit came home with paint all over it. Hal was a bit of a pistol while shopping. Amanda may be rethinking him marrying her daughter, Aubrey.
Laura and Ethan came into town last week to take the boat to get fixed. Hal loves him some Aunt Lulu! She wore him out playing. He slept forever that night!
My friend Julie and I planned out our Ragsland show for August 20th. I am the Ragsland Representative in Pensacola. This is a new gig for me. We shall see how it works out. Ragsland is children's preppy style clothing. It is adorable stuff, I am just worried about having the time to do it!
Back to the BT Class of 99 reunion. I am somewhat excited. Is it bad to say that I am really more interested in hanging out and partying with my friends I talk to all of the time. I liked high school and all, I just am not so interested in the reunion. Amanda and I are skipping the real reunion and hosting a party at her house, then taking a trolley with some friends to the "real" reunion. I got an adorable dress that will be ready this afternoon. Last week I made a list of 90's songs to play at Amanda's. I am way more interested in having an ALL NIGHT DANCE PARTY at Amanda's than trucking it to the Fish House. Oh well.....perhaps for my 30th birthday I can have a 90's dance party!! I had so much fun making the music list and texting Amanda songs that she thought I was intoxicated! When she hears the music she will be just as excited....especially when I play her "Diamonds and Pearls" by Prince. That is mine and Amanda's song and will be forever and ever, Amen! Amanda and I have been friends for 20 years! We have been through every milestone in life together. We have only gotten in 2 major fights in the 20 years we have been BFF. Once, when I stole her Hello Kitty band-aids and another time when I didn't like her BOO at the time. She still isn't quite over the Hello Kitty band-aids, but she did admit I was right about the latter (now she can swallow her throw-up since I made her think about him.) She is the greatest and she will always be my Sweet Valley twin!
Here are some pictures from lately, I am off to watch my man Shepard Smith!

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